Combining design and clinical expertise
SureflO2 - Making the invisible visible
SureflO2 – traditional oxygen masks reimagined

There is a risk to patients and staff when using masks to deliver supplemental oxygen.

Clinical observation where it matters…

the airway

Reducing Potential Risks For Patients

Due to mechanical and human error, failures when delivering supplemental oxygen occur leading to potentially poor patient outcomes.

Increasing Distance Between Healthcare Workers And Exhaled Plume

Close monitoring of oxygen delivery is a potential cause of infection transmission from patient to staff.

The rate of failure of supplemental oxygen delivery in the postoperative recovery period is 6.32%

– Matusik et al, Anaesth Intensive Care. 2019 Jan;47(1):96-97.1

“In 95 ASA class I or II adult patients breathing room air during their transfer from the operating room to the recovery room… Hypoxemia occurred in 33 (35%) patients; severe hypoxemia occurred in 11 (12%).”

– Tyler et al, Anesthesia Analgesia.2

Supplemental oxygen therapy is commonly administered to prevent post-operative hypoxemia.


  • HYPOXEMIA (90% Sat or less)

  • SEVERE HYPOXEMIA (85% Sat or less)


Tyler et al

“Portable oxygen systems of different designs are used extensively throughout the NHS. Evidence suggests that issues with portable oxygen systems are widespread, with the severity and scale of physical harm to patients ranging from death or severe brain injury, to low or no harm.”

– HSIB 2018, Summary Report: Design And Safe Use Of Portable Oxygen Systems3

“Observation 4:
Flow indicators have potential to improve patient safety and provide a clear visual cue that oxygen is flowing to a patient.”

– HSIB 2018, Summary Report: Design And Safe Use Of Portable Oxygen Systems3

“41% of the adult population studied had at least one episode of hypoxaemia during their PACU stay. A moderate-severe episode occurred in more that 50% of the desaturating subjects.”

– Daley et al Can J Anaesth, 1991. A study examining the effect of ceasing supplemental oxygen after only 30 min in the PACU and then monitoring oximetry.4

For Healthcare Workers

Implications of dispersal of respiratory gases

The potentially infectious plume could be directed toward caregivers, visitors, and other patients at face level.5

Dispersal of Respiratory Droplets With Open vs Closed Oxygen Delivery Masks. Ron Somogyi, et al; CHEST 2004; 125:1155–1157

Exhaled air dispersion

Substantial exposure to exhaled air occurs generally within 0.4 m from patients receiving supplemental oxygen via a simple mask.6

Exhaled Air Dispersion During Oxygen Delivery Via a Simple Oxygen Mask. David S. Hui, et al; Chest 2007;132;540-546

Visual Flow Indicator Oxygen Mask

Find out how SureflO2 can potentially mitigate risks for patients and healthcare workers




Matusik M, Smith PD. A cross sectional study to ascertain the incidence and causes of failure of oxygen delivery via Hudson Mask™ during recovery after anaesthesia. Anaesth Intensive Care. 2019 Jan;47(1):96-97



Tyler IL, Tantisira B, Winter PM, Motoyama EK. Continuous monitoring of arterial oxygen saturation with pulse oximetry during transfer to the recovery room. Anesth Analg 1985;64(11):1108–12.



Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB) Summary Report: Design and safe use of portable oxygen systems, November 2018.



Daley MD, Norman PH, Colmenares ME, Sandler AN. Hypoxaemia in adults in the post-anaesthesia care unit. Can J Anaesth 1991;38(6):740–6.



Somogyi R1, Vesely AE, Azami T, Preiss D, Fisher J, Correia J, Fowler RA. Dispersal of respiratory droplets with open vs closed oxygen delivery masks: implications for the transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome. CHEST 2004; 125:1155–1157



Hui DS1, Hall SD, Chan MT, Chow BK, Ng SS, Gin T, Sung JJ. Exhaled air dispersion during oxygen delivery via a simple oxygen mask. Chest 2007;132;540-546